lisa at alma rise gallery

My “Petal Paradox” paintings on view at Alma Rise Gallery’s “Embodied Perspectives: The Art of Body Autonomy”

This show "Embodied Perspectives" was curated by the gallery owner and endlessly talented, Lupe Muller. She wanted to explore the intersection of personal autonomy and societal norms, prompting reflection on the unique stories that unfold at the crossroads of body and space.

From the complexities of reproductive rights to the nuanced experiences of motherhood and sexuality, the exhibit explores the multifaceted nature of body autonomy.

This is a show highlighting unique perspectives through open dialogue, challenging norms, and celebrating the diversity of women’s voices.

The exhibiting artists are Ashima Yadava, Xiao He, Hargun Mahal, Angelica Turner, Dalit Fresco, Lisa Mazur, Anni Blooms, Jacqueline Ragland.

In my pieces, Petal Paradox No. 1 and No. 2, the imagery of flowers are used as symbols of femininity as they have deep cultural roots and have been used to represent traditional female qualities such as beauty, delicacy, and fertility in art, clothing, advertising, and consumer products. 

In these drawings, I question: Are flowers a representation of nipples or are the flowers covering them? Am I challenging societal norms and exposing nipples OR Am I uncomfortable with seeing them and want to keep them covered? 

Through this ambiguity, I aim to spark dialogue about why certain body parts, particularly those specific to females, are considered inappropriate for public display while others are not. For me, the essence of body autonomy is the right to control how our bodies are represented and perceived.


“What A rebel” podcast with Mel of “Create in company”


Seen&Heard show